Due to the fascination that revolves around the MP3 Player, it's no surprise you want to figure out which is the best one for you. The first thing to consider is that these can be extremely confusing to a lot of people thanks to all the various functions. In today's world you can find one just about anywhere, but knowing the quality of each of them is a different matter. Some are basic while others double as video players and give you advanced audio functions. The point is you can't find too many versions that just play music anymore. To know what you should buy, you have to figure out which features you truly want and which you could do without.
A prime example is the Apple iPod. In the good old days it was simply used to play music. In recent memory they have come out with so many advanced features, most of them aren't found in other units. The MP3 player is geared for easy navigation. Even though the extra benefits are nice to some, others just want a little piece of technology that plays music. Plus, iPods usually cost a bit more as well.
There are many iPod knock-off brands out there, especially at smaller local stores and gift shops. These are typically to be avoided however. They might be cheap, but their lifespan is usually comically short. And obviously they will be sorely lacking in features.
Another one of the MP3 player basics is that it has to have good battery life. A cheap model may still use the old AAA sized batteries that wear out quickly. Most models made with any quality will use rechargeable lithium ion batteries. When buying a player you have to decide whether you want to buy batteries every month, or simply recharge it.
Then of course it's important to look at the durability. Thanks to our societies "jump on the bandwagon" ways, it's the most overlooked part of the process. You need to know whether or not the product you purchase is going to last years, or a couple months. All it takes is one misstep for one of them to be damaged or simply breakdown.
You don't see durability issues often with major name brands, but the smaller, less expensive companies try to cut corners whenever they can. In order to stay away from this trap, it's recommended that you do your research before actually making your purchase. The Apple iPod is a great example of how they are sent through test after test in order prior to being released to the public. Keep in mind you can still break it, but it won't happen from just turning it on and using it appropriately.
Oh, and we can't forget about the button layout. On some occasions, you can find cheap alternatives that only have 2 buttons; stop and play. These are actually out there, but you find these in lower income outlets. This is truly the bottom of the barrel, and if you get one of these you're just waiting for disaster to strike.
So in closing before buying any kind of player remember to go over the MP3 player basics. Check for function, audio formats supported, battery life, durability, and general quality. If you don't want to do bother because it's time consuming you can just buy an Apple iPod. These are one of the most sought after players on the market for a reason. If money is a concern then simply buy an older generation iPod - plenty of new units are almost always available for the previous generation, and you can find savings of 10% and upwards, without sacrificing the most important features.
A prime example is the Apple iPod. In the good old days it was simply used to play music. In recent memory they have come out with so many advanced features, most of them aren't found in other units. The MP3 player is geared for easy navigation. Even though the extra benefits are nice to some, others just want a little piece of technology that plays music. Plus, iPods usually cost a bit more as well.
There are many iPod knock-off brands out there, especially at smaller local stores and gift shops. These are typically to be avoided however. They might be cheap, but their lifespan is usually comically short. And obviously they will be sorely lacking in features.
Another one of the MP3 player basics is that it has to have good battery life. A cheap model may still use the old AAA sized batteries that wear out quickly. Most models made with any quality will use rechargeable lithium ion batteries. When buying a player you have to decide whether you want to buy batteries every month, or simply recharge it.
Then of course it's important to look at the durability. Thanks to our societies "jump on the bandwagon" ways, it's the most overlooked part of the process. You need to know whether or not the product you purchase is going to last years, or a couple months. All it takes is one misstep for one of them to be damaged or simply breakdown.
You don't see durability issues often with major name brands, but the smaller, less expensive companies try to cut corners whenever they can. In order to stay away from this trap, it's recommended that you do your research before actually making your purchase. The Apple iPod is a great example of how they are sent through test after test in order prior to being released to the public. Keep in mind you can still break it, but it won't happen from just turning it on and using it appropriately.
Oh, and we can't forget about the button layout. On some occasions, you can find cheap alternatives that only have 2 buttons; stop and play. These are actually out there, but you find these in lower income outlets. This is truly the bottom of the barrel, and if you get one of these you're just waiting for disaster to strike.
So in closing before buying any kind of player remember to go over the MP3 player basics. Check for function, audio formats supported, battery life, durability, and general quality. If you don't want to do bother because it's time consuming you can just buy an Apple iPod. These are one of the most sought after players on the market for a reason. If money is a concern then simply buy an older generation iPod - plenty of new units are almost always available for the previous generation, and you can find savings of 10% and upwards, without sacrificing the most important features.
About the Author:
Helena Enteerha, the author, suggests you do a thorough comparison of electronics and software prices so you can find the best prices on electronics.
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