Monday, November 9, 2009

How to Fly Fish

By Mitchel Dajon

Fly fishing is a highly rewarding and relaxing hobby. I will try and give you some advice on how to become a better fly fisherman and hopefully you can use this to achieve a better catch rate and become better at fly fishing.

One thing you need to do is to pause for a little while before removing the fly out the stream before your re-casting. During a lot of expediitons I have had a fish come in and remove my fly right in front of my eyes! The fish must have been tracking my fly all the way back to the river ship and has sneakerly made a strike to take it right at the end.

Sinkants on your line can be a great benefit and i would suggest you do it. You get the most benefit from this when you are dry fly fishing, this stops your line from lying on the river which in turn makes it easier for the fish to observe.

Vary the pace that you pull back your fly is another way to improve fly fishing. This has the benefit of giving the fly a look of being alive. Fish can be aggressive towards a fly that is being swiftly pulled across the water. When this happens, you can try doing slower shorter movements.

Alternatively fishing close to the bank can be successful. Trout often swim close to the bank if there are reeds or other plants since these will provide shelter for small fish.

Crouching low is especially useful when you are fishing and ustilising this method as fish have been know to tremendous vision, therefore the probability of scaring your fish is significantly increased due to them being directly adjacent edge of the land.

If you are fishing a place where the fish are especially nervous or hard to catch increasing the length of your leader is a good way of presenting your fly in most natural way possible. I would recommend a leader length of at least 9 ft.

If you apply these trout fishing tips to your fishing, your fly will be presented in a more natural and inviting way and you will hopefully catch more fish. Tight lines!

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