* You are walking through Rome and all of a sudden you hear a bang. What is it? What's happening? Nobody seems to show any concern and people go about their business as usual, except that they look at their watches. It's midday! And the bang you heard is the 12 o' clock cannon shot fired every day from the Janiculum Hill. This is a tradition that started in 1847 to give people a time signal to set their clocks and watches by.
* Would you ever believe that a keyhole might be considered an attraction by tourists visiting Rome? Yes, this can happen if that keyhole allows you to view trees lining a garden and in the distance the shape of St. Peter's Basilica. All you have to do to have that great peep is go up the Aventine Hill - one of Rome's famous Seven Hills - and wait for the sunset when the Giardino degli Aranci, or Orange Garden, closes. Then simply look through the keyhole and... enjoy!
* If you have toured around Rome, you are sure to have seen Bocca della Verita, or Mouth of the Truth and to have been told the story that in antiquity, if you put your hand in this mouth and you were lying, you would lose your hand. What you may not have been told is that in fact there were judges who would decide whether you were or not guilty... and your hand was safe or...gone! What's more, that piece of antiquity that is widely admired today, once used to be the top of a sewer manhole in the Roman Forum.
* Do you know that Rome is famous for the quantity and quality of its water? Actually this has been the case ever since antiquity, when the Romans built aqueducts to bring water to the city. What you might not know is that some of the aqueducts that are feeding water into the pipes of a large part of Rome are still the original Roman aqueducts! And most fountains you can admire in Rome receive water the same way.
* The "bewitched" climbing slope. Ever been driving downhill along a road and suddenly found yourself backing up or at least coming to a stop? You can have this experience along a road near Ariccia, in the vicinity of Rome! Don't ask us why. All sorts of explanations have been given, but none really satisfactory. It's fun to watch, though, a soccer ball or a tennis ball rolling back along the road!
* How often do you think a phrase uttered against everybody's wishes really carried the day? Who knows, but there is one instance in the history of Rome when this was actually true. One day in 1586 workers were trying to set upright the obelisk at present standing in St. Peter's Square. To ensure all possible concentration for the 800 workers on the job, other people in the square had been told to be absolutely quiet, on pain of death. Noticing that some ropes were giving way, someone shouted WATER TO THE ROPES! The hemp then shrank and everything turned out ok. Instead of getting a death penalty the man was awarded a prize and bestowed a title.
* You must have heard that great artists competing with each other don't get on well together. But what happened between Gian Lorenzo Bernini and Francesco Borromini is hard to believe. According to popular belief, when Bernini designed the fountains you can admire in Piazza Navona, Rome, he made sure that one of the statues representing the river Rio de la Plata stretches out its arm as if to protect itself from the collapse of the church. The statue of St. Agnes on top of the church, instead, brings its hand to the heart as if to mean that the church will never collapse.
* Have you ever heard of modern-day Romans' laid back attitude to life, but also of their basically kind-hearted approach to other people's problems? Here is something for you to think about. Carol Wojtyla, who was in Rome for the conclave after the death of his predecessor, was delayed by a hitch and was looking desperately for a lift to the Vatican. A passing bus driver who was going back to his depot was puzzled to see a priest thumbing a ride and stopped to find out. When he heard what was happening, he decided off his own bat to take him straight to the Vatican on his bus. The grateful Wojtyla, now a Pope, got in touch with him some time later to thank him for allowing that unknown priest to become a Pope.
* Highways are one of the symbols of modern-day transport, aren't they? Well, not exactly. 2000 years ago the Romans had already their own highways. Sure, there were no motorcars or motorbikes dashing along at 100 and over miles per hour, no gas stations, no speed traps. But communications between all major cities of the Roman Empire and Rome were possible thanks to a highly efficient road network, thousands of miles long in various directions. Facilities were provided to allow a change of horses, places where to rest, sleep and eat. Fast-food service was also invented for a quick bite or for takeaway meals served in hot stone containers that were left by travellers at the next service area!
* Would you ever have thought that a ship could actually reach the very heart of Rome? Well, these days it would be pretty difficult to manage, but the ancient Romans did sail their ships up the River Tiber right into the city. This was possible because the mouth of the Tiber was 11 kilometers closer to Rome than it is now and the river was deeper than it is at present. So the Romans had food and other supplies right at their doorstep from all the world known at the time. Incidentally, the current mayor has recently announced his intention to make the river navigable once again and to return the port to the people of Rome.
* Would you ever believe that a keyhole might be considered an attraction by tourists visiting Rome? Yes, this can happen if that keyhole allows you to view trees lining a garden and in the distance the shape of St. Peter's Basilica. All you have to do to have that great peep is go up the Aventine Hill - one of Rome's famous Seven Hills - and wait for the sunset when the Giardino degli Aranci, or Orange Garden, closes. Then simply look through the keyhole and... enjoy!
* If you have toured around Rome, you are sure to have seen Bocca della Verita, or Mouth of the Truth and to have been told the story that in antiquity, if you put your hand in this mouth and you were lying, you would lose your hand. What you may not have been told is that in fact there were judges who would decide whether you were or not guilty... and your hand was safe or...gone! What's more, that piece of antiquity that is widely admired today, once used to be the top of a sewer manhole in the Roman Forum.
* Do you know that Rome is famous for the quantity and quality of its water? Actually this has been the case ever since antiquity, when the Romans built aqueducts to bring water to the city. What you might not know is that some of the aqueducts that are feeding water into the pipes of a large part of Rome are still the original Roman aqueducts! And most fountains you can admire in Rome receive water the same way.
* The "bewitched" climbing slope. Ever been driving downhill along a road and suddenly found yourself backing up or at least coming to a stop? You can have this experience along a road near Ariccia, in the vicinity of Rome! Don't ask us why. All sorts of explanations have been given, but none really satisfactory. It's fun to watch, though, a soccer ball or a tennis ball rolling back along the road!
* How often do you think a phrase uttered against everybody's wishes really carried the day? Who knows, but there is one instance in the history of Rome when this was actually true. One day in 1586 workers were trying to set upright the obelisk at present standing in St. Peter's Square. To ensure all possible concentration for the 800 workers on the job, other people in the square had been told to be absolutely quiet, on pain of death. Noticing that some ropes were giving way, someone shouted WATER TO THE ROPES! The hemp then shrank and everything turned out ok. Instead of getting a death penalty the man was awarded a prize and bestowed a title.
* You must have heard that great artists competing with each other don't get on well together. But what happened between Gian Lorenzo Bernini and Francesco Borromini is hard to believe. According to popular belief, when Bernini designed the fountains you can admire in Piazza Navona, Rome, he made sure that one of the statues representing the river Rio de la Plata stretches out its arm as if to protect itself from the collapse of the church. The statue of St. Agnes on top of the church, instead, brings its hand to the heart as if to mean that the church will never collapse.
* Have you ever heard of modern-day Romans' laid back attitude to life, but also of their basically kind-hearted approach to other people's problems? Here is something for you to think about. Carol Wojtyla, who was in Rome for the conclave after the death of his predecessor, was delayed by a hitch and was looking desperately for a lift to the Vatican. A passing bus driver who was going back to his depot was puzzled to see a priest thumbing a ride and stopped to find out. When he heard what was happening, he decided off his own bat to take him straight to the Vatican on his bus. The grateful Wojtyla, now a Pope, got in touch with him some time later to thank him for allowing that unknown priest to become a Pope.
* Highways are one of the symbols of modern-day transport, aren't they? Well, not exactly. 2000 years ago the Romans had already their own highways. Sure, there were no motorcars or motorbikes dashing along at 100 and over miles per hour, no gas stations, no speed traps. But communications between all major cities of the Roman Empire and Rome were possible thanks to a highly efficient road network, thousands of miles long in various directions. Facilities were provided to allow a change of horses, places where to rest, sleep and eat. Fast-food service was also invented for a quick bite or for takeaway meals served in hot stone containers that were left by travellers at the next service area!
* Would you ever have thought that a ship could actually reach the very heart of Rome? Well, these days it would be pretty difficult to manage, but the ancient Romans did sail their ships up the River Tiber right into the city. This was possible because the mouth of the Tiber was 11 kilometers closer to Rome than it is now and the river was deeper than it is at present. So the Romans had food and other supplies right at their doorstep from all the world known at the time. Incidentally, the current mayor has recently announced his intention to make the river navigable once again and to return the port to the people of Rome.
About the Author:
Cristiano Rubbi is an experienced traveller: he knows what's what when it's about travelling abroad. Why don't you surf on his website? You'll find a few handy tips on how to get around safely and really enjoy your vacation in Italy. More info? Simply email him at info@niceandeasytravel.it or join his forum. Be part of his guestbook.
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